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The Next Generation document management solution

The EDM.NET System, built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, is a leading edge, browser-based enterprise content management system that gives any organization the ability to find, update, edit, share and access all document types. The intuitive, easy to use design, combined with exciting functionality is


making it the system of choice on the market today. EDM.NET is a powerful fusion of document management, content control, workflow efficiency, web collaboration and detailed activity auditing, protected by security right down to the file level. Extreme Strategies offers you the exciting browser-based functionality for which you have been looking.

What Is EDM.NET?

Unlike traditional Document Management Systems, Extreme Document Management, built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, delivers on the promise of maximum efficiency, customer retention and quick, easy access to all kinds of documents. EDM.NET allows you to capture and edit any type of document. Its robust, scaleable architecture seamlessly integrates with your Microsoft Outlook e-mail and Office applications. EDM.NET also features flexible search functionality, Auditing, Security, Version Control and Custom Fields you can design yourself.

The High Cost of Managing Paper...And Today's Need To Comply With New Federal Regulations...

Leading analyst firms like Gartner Group, Forrester and AMR know about the costs of paper-based information systems. Their recent research has produced some startling information;

  • 1 in 10 documents will be misfiled and permanently lost
  • It costs, on average, $150 to find a missing document
  • It costs up to $350 to recreate a lost document
  • Many workers spend an average of one hour daily searching for documents
  • With HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel Acord II, SEC Rule 17, EPA, FDA - Freedom of Information Act to name a few, organizations can be found liable for improper or inadequate document archiving - facing lawsuits and very large fines.


What is the EDM.NET System ROI? (Return on Investment)
  • Eliminates one hour, per week, per employee, of lost time searching for documents
  • No need for paper & metal filing cabinets, or offsite storage rental space -- which frees up space and reduces overhead
  • Greatly reduces shipping and mailing costs, with EDM.NET's web collaboration features
  • Reduces support costs, since no client software is needed
  • HIPPA & SOX Compliant - eliminates financial risk from these two new federal acts.


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