Our EDM.NET products have many options and features. Look at the matrix below to
identify which product will best suit your needs.
Document Management Functionality |
(Click on a feature below to view a description.) |

Lite Edition

Professional Edition

WorkGroup Edition

Enterprise Edition

Online Edition

Smart Client
Archive Documents |
* |
Archive documents out of EDM.NET so that they can be backed up onto other media such as CD or DVD. |
Auditing |
* |
Audit all events throughout EDM.NET. With HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel Acord II, SEC Rule 17, EPA, FDA - Freedom of Information Act to name a few, organizations can be found liable for improper or inadequate document archiving - facing lawsuits and very large fines. |
Custom Fields (Indexes) |
* |
* |
* |
Custom fields are created and assigned to a folder. Whenever a user files a document into the folder the custom fields are filled out allowing the document to be found in subsequent searches. |
Deleted Items |
Allows you to manage deleted e-mails. |
Document Notes |
Add, Update, and Delete notes attached to a document. Employees can add historical notes that are timestamped and can be viewed/modified by other employees. |
Drag & Drop |
Allows the moving or copying of a folder/document by Drag & Drop in the folder tree. |
Faxing |
* |
* |
* |
Fax one or more documents from EDM.NET. |
Folder Templates |
* |
* |
Once a Folder Template is created and associated with a specific folder it will create a predefined set of subfolders whenever a new folder is created. |
Document Forwarding |
Allows an employee to forward a document to one or more employees. Each employee receives an e-mail letting them know that the document is waiting in their InTray. It does not send the document as an attachment protecting sensitive information. |
Document History |
History shows who forwarded a document. It also shows the people that the document was forwarded to and whether or not they viewed the document in their InTray. |
In-Browser Editing |
* |
* |
Allows a user to edit a Microsoft Office document within Internet Explorer browser. The document can be saved back to the server. |
InTray |
The InTray is where Employees recieve documents that have been forwarded to them. It is also where documents show up if they need Approval. |
Multiple Providers |
* |
A Provider has its own set of employees and can manage its own documents. Roles can be created that allow certain users to have acces to one or more providers. Providers are a way to define your organization and break it up into agencies, departments, or companies. It is a powerful feature that can help you control how you documents are managed and who has access to them. |
Search |
Advanced Search capabilities that allow you to search by the documents meta data such as: Author, Created Date, Modified Date, Contents of document, Title and more. If you have purchased the Custom Fields module than you can search across all your indexed data. |
Thumbnails |
EDM.NET now generates thumbnails of your documents and images so you can locate them faster. |
Upload Multiple Documents |
Upload one or more documents into a folder in EDM.NET. |
Version Control |
* |
Version control allows employees to check-out a document for exclusive editing. Also support the ability to rollback to a previous version. You can also replace the document you are checking in with one from your local disk. |
EDM.NET Security Features |
(Click on a feature below to view a description.) |

Lite Edition

Professional Edition

WorkGroup Edition

Enterprise Edition

Online Edition

Smart Client
Add Existing Windows User(s) |
Get access to your exising Windows user accounts. You can add one or more users from Windows and keep their password in sync. |
Folder Level Security |
* |
* |
The ability to Allow or Deny access rights to one or more users, on a folder, similar to Microsoft Window Security. |
Roles Management |
Roles determine what a user can do once logged into EDM.NET. Roles management allows you to specify whether a set of users belonging to the role can access certain functionality within the application. Some examples would be sending a fax, deleting a file, sending an e-mail, or updating custom field information. |
Outlook Type Contact Management |
(Click on a feature below to view a description.) |

Lite Edition

Professional Edition

WorkGroup Edition

Enterprise Edition

Online Edition

Smart Client
Calendar |
Add appointments on the Calendar. View summary of appointments. |
Chat |
Chat with fellow employees in different chat rooms that you create. Send chat invites to one or more employees. |
Compose E-mails |
Compose e-mails with attachments and send to employees or contacts. |
Contact Management (Shared) |
Compose e-mails with attachments and send to employees or contacts. |
Contact Management (Personal) |
Manage your own personal contacts that no one else can see. Add, Edit, View, and Delete your personal contacts. |
Notes |
Add, Edit, View, and Delete your Notes. |
Outlook Synchronization for Office 2003, 2002 (XP), and 2000 |
* |
Add, Edit, View, and Delete your Notes. |
Receive E-mail |
* |
* |
Allows each user to setup one or more accounts to receive e-mails into their Inbox. |
Sent Items |
Every time you send an e-mail, fax or forward a document it will show up in your Sent Items. |
Tasks |
Add, Edit, View, and Delete your Tasks. |
Basic Scanning |
(Click on a feature below to view a description.) |

Lite Edition

Professional Edition

WorkGroup Edition

Enterprise Edition

Online Edition

Smart Client
Basic Scanning |
Basic scanning allows a user of the Smart Client to create image only PDF document from a TWAIN compatible scanner. |
Advanced Scanning |
(Click on a feature below to view a description.) |

Lite Edition

Professional Edition

WorkGroup Edition

Enterprise Edition

Online Edition

Smart Client
Advanced Scanning |
Advanced scanning allows a user of the Smart Client to create image only and text searchable PDF document from a TWAIN compatible scanner. Other advanced features such as batch scanning and zone OCR are also available. |
Workflow |
(Click on a feature below to view a description.) |

Lite Edition

Professional Edition

WorkGroup Edition

Enterprise Edition

Online Edition

Smart Client
Approval WorkFlow |
* |
Approval workflow takes a document through an approval process where a set of users can accept or reject a document waiting to be filed into a folder. |
*Optional module that can be purchased.