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EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition
EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition PDF

System Requirements
Windows 2000 Server, and Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) (included) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (optional)
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Microsoft Indexing Service
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 must be installed (included)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or higher Pentium III or compatible processor 1 GHz or greater
512 megabytes of RAM or greater
800 x 600 resolution, 256 color depth
Disk space: 100 MB for Installation and 40 GB for storing approximately 750,000 documents
All Features
EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition Features:
Approval WorkFlow
Approval workflow takes a document through an approval process where a set of users can accept or reject a document waiting to be filed into a folder.
Audit all events throughout EDM.NET. With HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel Acord II, SEC Rule 17, EPA, FDA - Freedom of Information Act to name a few, organizations can be found liable for improper or inadequate document archiving - facing lawsuits and very large fines.
Add and update appointments on the Calendar. View summary of appointments. Helps track mileage and gives you month summary information.
Chat (new)
Chat with fellow employees in different chat rooms that you create. Send chat invites to one or more employees.
Contact Management (Personal)
Manage your personal contacts that can be used when sending e-mails. Add, Edit, View, and Delete your personal contacts.
Contact Management (Shared)
Manage shared contacts that can be seen by all employees and used when sending e-mails. Add, Edit, View, and Delete your shared contacts.
Custom Fields (Indexes)
Custom fields are created and assigned to one or more folders. Whenever a user files a document into the folder the custom fields are filled out allowing the document to be found in subsequent searches. You can create a Note, Date, DateTime, Number, AlphaNumeric, Drop-Down List, and Text field.
Document Properties
View detailed properties and summary information of documents such as:
Name, Size, Type, Modified, Attributes, Comment, Created, Accessed, Owner, Keywords, Author, Title, Subject, Category, Pages, and more.
Efficient and Simplified Searching
Browse your documents easily in a tree structure.
Use Search page to find documents using standard and Custom Fields.
Use Content Search to search the contents and meta data associated with the document.
E-mail and Fax
E-mail or Fax a document as an attachment to another employee or client right from you browser. EDM.NET will place a copy in your sent items for later review.
Forward Document To Employees InTray's
You can forward sensitive documents to employees within EDM.NET. The document will never leave EDM.NET and the employee will be notified of pending document in their InTray through an e-mail. If EDM.NET is accessible outside the office through an IP on the Internet the user can click on the link inside their e-mail and log into EDM.NET allowing them secure access to the sensitive document and information associated with it.
In-Browser Editing of Microsoft Office Documents
Allows a user to edit a Microsoft Office document within Internet Explorer browser. The document can be saved back to the server.
Multiple Providers
A Provider has its own set of employees and can manage its own documents. Roles can be created that allow certain users to have acces to one or more providers. Providers are a way to define your organization and break it up into agencies, departments, or companies. It is a powerful feature that can help you control how you documents are managed and who has access to them.
Outlook Synchronization
Allows an employee to sychronize all their Outlook information: Appointments, E-mail, Contacts, Notes, and Tasks.
Roles Management and Rights Assignment
Manage all of your employees by creating roles and assigning thier rights.
Administrator - allows user to manage all aspects of the system.
Author/Editor - can edit and author content on the web.
Supervisor: - can manage all aspects of the system. This user's right can also be modified and limited by other Supervisors with enough rights.
Publisher - can upload content into the system.
Thumbnails (new)
EDM.NET now generates thumbnails of your documents and images so you can locate them faster.
Tree Based Navigation of all Functionality
You can browse all your documents in a tree similar to Windows Explorer. You can also manage all of your content easily and perform the following actions:
Create new folder(s) or file(s).
Delete folder(s) or file(s).
Rename a folder or file.
E-mail documents from the system.
Forward documents to one of more users of the system.
Upload Multiple Documents
Documents can be uploaded from your local machine into EDM.NET. Once the document has been uploaded into a Pending area you can fully manage that document and use all the features of EDM.NET
Version Control
Version control allows employees to check-out a document for exclusive editing. Also support the ability to rollback to a previous version. You can also replace the document you are checking in with one from your local disk. Rollback to previous versions is also allowed.


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